thesis writing




It is often said that a dissertation marks the end of life as a student and the beginning of being a scholar. This is because a dissertation is a lengthy project, which you have to complete on your own. Much graduate work involves attending classes and taking advice from professors just as the graduate did as a student.  All these reference points disappear when you begin your dissertation.

A dissertation requires originality, without it you will not advance your academic career. This is your chance to build your career as an academic but you have to get noticed for writing a really special piece of work which advances academic understanding of your given topic. This will be your first major attempt at research work and will determine whether professors will join a committee to review your dissertation and their letters of recommendation, which will be the first information that will be scrutinized by future academic employers. The letters ‘PhD’ after your name mean that you have completed a significant academic achievement and developed your writing and analysis skills. Research and work strategies you learned writing your dissertation will help you write books and papers in your future career.

To find an interesting and original dissertation topic:

  • Ask advice of professors   and your academic adviser.
  • alk to those who are completing their dissertation.
  • Speak to your university counseling service.
  • Read published dissertations to get a feeling for what’s required.

  • Make sure the topic is interesting and original:

  • Make sure it hasn’t been written about before.
  • Your dissertation should have an interesting take on the subject.
  • Researchers will want to use and refer to your dissertation in their work.
  • The dissertation topic has to enlarge the boundaries of the subject.v
  • It has to shed new light on the topic.

  • You may be able to use your dissertation to write a book or a whole series of articles if the dissertation is well written and leaves avenues for further development. This could both launch and further your academic career so that you become an acknowledged expert on the subject.

    Before beginning your dissertation you have to:

  • Appear before a dissertation committee
  • Defend your dissertation topic
  • Choose an advisor
  • Begin working with the committee (you can change aspects of your topic but keep the committee informed)

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    • Expert writing tips

      The best way to make a strong thesis is to create precis. The precis is a paragraph summary of your paper. It will help you to restrain ideas and make your writing more organized.

    • Thesis related
