thesis writing


15 Brand New Mass Communication Thesis Topics You Should Use

  • Short films: How to convey a positive youth message successfully
  • How can short films be used to influence positive values in youngsters?

  • The overdone trend of SEO: SEO is dead, isn’t it?
  • A frequently asked question; bring your reader to a definite conclusion.

  • An investigation into various photojournalism techniques
  • Describe professional photojournalism and how to become a good at it.

  • Governments’ control of mass media in third world countries
  • How are corrupt rulers controlling the masses with television?

  • An comparative look at journalism in America during and after the civil war
  • Compare the journalistic world during the civil war with today’s journalism.

  • An scrutiny of imbalanced newspaper media and the wars that followed such discrepancies
  • Give an historic account of the propaganda that preceded wars in various countries.

  • Directing a YouTube video: The ‘wider audience’ platform that’s topping the movie industry
  • Since YouTube is so popular—and widely viewed—talk about directing tactics that could be utilized.

  • Communicating an effective message through a website page
  • Talk about the factors needed to construct a webpage with maximum efficiency.

  • How television can be used to combat crime, corruption, terrorism, and other injustices
  • Can messages be tweaked to discourage criminal activity?

  • Mass media and its relationship to religion in Muslim countries
  • Take a close look at how television in Muslim countries affects the culture.

  • Ethics in advertising: A deeper look at comparative advertising and why certain countries don’t practice it
  • Many developing countries consider comparative advertising unethical. Discuss why this is and if it should change.

  • The one way direction of USA television: Is there any moral diversity anymore?
  • Moral viewpoints such as feminism and religious inclusiveness are shown as the norm on mainstream television. But since these aren’t always the viewpoints of everyone, who’s pulling all the strings back in Hollywood?

  • Mass blogging: Does it really work for SEO?
  • Can submitting your blog articles to multiple blogging sites really improve SEO, or is this considered a ‘Black Hat’ tactic?

  • The technological advancements of film cameras and how they are operated
  • Take a technical look at the ins and outs of the most advanced cameras and what they can do for the film and documentary industry.

  • How American television has influenced the culture in third world countries
  • Language, culture, and popular opinion are all factors that end up influencing external cultures viewing television. Investigate and discuss this.

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  • Expert writing tips

    The best way to make a strong thesis is to create precis. The precis is a paragraph summary of your paper. It will help you to restrain ideas and make your writing more organized.

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