thesis writing


How to Properly Write a Thesis Proposal

It’s thesis time, you know what you need to accomplish, but admittedly you are a little lost on how to go about properly writing your thesis proposal. You’ll need to follow a certain order in writing the proposal, a path if you will. Once you have formulated a path to write your thesis proposal, you need to stick with it like Dorothy did to the yellow brick road as only by staying on the golden path did she make it to her end result.

The order in which to write your thesis proposal (aka The Yellow Brick Road)

  • Start off by making an outline to follow of your thesis proposal which will be the main foundation of forming your proposal
  • Make preparations for any figures, tables, or otherwise that will be added to the end result keeping you highly organized and keeping you on point throughout your proposal
  • Write up a discussion of your information that will be included in the thesis and include inferences.
  • Add methods that will be used to bring your proposal to its pinnacle
  • You’ll want to write your introduction using the information above
  • Last but not least, your bibliography

You’ll want to follow a certain order when writing the proposal. Some of the path can be changed around to suit you, such as some people like to start off straight with the bibliography, while others like to begin with the introduction. However, what’s above are the bricks to the path. Stay on the bricks no matter what order and you will have succeeded in simplifying the entire process and saving yourself a lot of backtracking.

Tips on what to add to your proposal

Don’t be afraid to jazz up your thesis proposal with a flow chart as well as using graphs that help to bring it into the light easier. If you want to show off an important part of your proposal and bring the whole package together, don’t be afraid to use pictures to illustrate what you’re trying to drive home in your thesis proposal. One tip in using an illustration is because it breaks up text length and helps to improve upon the point you are trying to make. By adding the graphics stated here you are bringing life to your proposal that will help snag the reader’s attention even more and actually be able to visualize what it is you’re trying to say. Just remember stay on your path and you’re good to go with a thesis proposal that makes a statement.

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