thesis writing


How to compose an amazing topic for dissertation

When you are tasked with writing the dissertation it is quite an endeavour that requires not only a lot of patience and research but an amazing topic. So how do you compose an amazing topic for your dissertation? One that will impress your readers?

Picking essay topics for your paper can be challenging. Before you plunge into the writing or the research, it is important that you think through your topic. Remember that no matter the type of writing you are not being asked to merely collect facts related to the topic. You are being asked, instead, to develop your powers of reasoning and showcase in the essay. You can save yourself quite a bit of frustration and time by starting your reasoning process early on. Remember these tips:

Pay close attention to the key terms. The directions you are given for every assignment indicates precisely how you should deal with it. Look carefully for words that will define the reasoning you should use (incidentally this is the same tactic you can use when applying for a job and reviewing a job posting). Look for words such as

  • Evaluate
  • Compare
  • Argue
  • Analyze
  • How
  • Why

It is important to fully understand these meanings and terms before you start your work.

  • Evaluate
  • Evaluate means you should apply your judgment regarding the results of any analysis. It means you need to present clear evidence and produce an opinion as to what extent an idea is valid or supported by facts.

  • Compare
  • Compare means you need to find the differences and any similarities in different works. You should formulate what aspects you are looking for in each of your sources. Then organize your paper with these aspects as potential headings.

  • Argue
  • Argue can mean agree or disagree with something. It can also mean you need to take a stand based on evidence on a particular topic and explain it clearly. You also need to consider any other possible viewpoints to an idea and compare them.

  • Analyze
  • Analyze means you should look beyond the top level meaning of your sources. You should see the relationship played by your source to the whole. You should be able to recognize cause and effect relationships. You should question the validity of the sources you use and be able to address how and why in each of your analyses.

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  • Expert writing tips

    The best way to make a strong thesis is to create precis. The precis is a paragraph summary of your paper. It will help you to restrain ideas and make your writing more organized.

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