thesis writing


Mass Communication: 15 Original Dissertation Topics To Explore

Writing a dissertation is one of the most complicate assignments students attempt during their academic careers. They need to dedicate time and efforts and come up with a great paper. The most critical part for your dissertation writing process is choosing a right topic. This takes time usually more than expected or planned. You need to discard different ideas before coming to a final topic for your paper. Mass communication explores and talks about the role of mass media and marketing in influencing people’s behavior and choices.

Below are some interesting topics that students can choose to write their paper. Remember that you need an original topic so do not copy these as is. You need to get an idea from here and write it in your own words.

  1. Why there was a need for High definition television when we already viewed information on old colored televisions?
  2. What is the reason for decline in percentage of people who watch the television?
  3. How do companies sponsor radio televisions and why invest their money on it?
  4. The advancements in information and technology have brought a huge revolution in the media industry
  5. What is the importance of social media networks for a company or brand to promote its products?
  6. What kind of audience you need to target with social media networks, TV commercials and radio ads?
  7. 65% of the people access the internet with a mobile device, what places do they visit and what purpose they have on internet?
  8. How is it possible for a third world economy to let everyone access the internet?
  9. How do brands adopt global and demographical marketing campaigns? What is market segmentation?
  10. Are social media newsfeeds an alternative to the print newspaper?
  11. How does censor board check and control the material that we show on television?
  12. Should news channels avoid showing violence and tragic events on the media?
  13. How do people buy products by sitting at home?
  14. Is there a possible relation between political influences and mass media tools?
  15. Is mass media marketing affecting the economy in a good way or bad?

All these topics above talk about different aspects under the same subject. You can choose one division of the subject and focus on it to write your paper. This will help reduce your efforts and time

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  • Expert writing tips

    The best way to make a strong thesis is to create precis. The precis is a paragraph summary of your paper. It will help you to restrain ideas and make your writing more organized.

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