thesis writing


What do you start from when choosing history dissertation topics

When you are choosing history dissertation topics you must first and foremost pick something you love that falls within the parameters of the project. By picking something that you love you will be much more inclined to work harder. Think about the many papers you have written in the past. How many of them have been on subjects or subject matter that you did not find interesting? Writing about Othello or the influence of Napoleon’s aqueducts? Now you have an opportunity to write about something that does interest you and not a topic you are handed by your professor.

So use this opportunity and carefully vet the potential topics so that it is something you truly like. Use free writing to think carefully about different topics or subtopics and find something that interests you. If you have a passion for the ebb and flow of economics then you might want to list all of the countries you can think of who have been affected by outside influences economically. Perhaps you fell in love with Poland during a summer trip and you want to write about how volatile a geopolitical situation they have always been in and the power of music. You can narrow that topic to the influence of Chopin on the Polish people and the Nazis ban of it during their invasion in the Second World War.


  • Analyze the influence that development had on Asian nations and how that historically altered their economy
  • Analyze the treatment of Germany toward Russia in the Second World War and discuss what role this played in the outcome of the war
  • Review the historical influence the Dutch and British settlers had on bushmen in southern Africa
  • Talk about the influence technology played in the industrial revolution
  • Discuss the changes that took place in Florence once the two sided accounting method was developed
  • How did ____ (insert historical character) influence _____ (insert political system/language/people/society/church)

Take some time to familiarize yourself with your topic and to narrow down the idea you have decided upon. Why?

Because in almost all cases the topic you choose first is too large to be covered in your page length. Yes you have a much longer page length to work with for a dissertation but you still need to narrow your topic to something specific enough that you can adequately tackle it.

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  • Expert writing tips

    The best way to make a strong thesis is to create precis. The precis is a paragraph summary of your paper. It will help you to restrain ideas and make your writing more organized.

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